Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sat/Sun June 5th and 6th - Days 20 and 21

Friday morning we made the 2 hr jumped from Fury Cove up to Pruth Bay on Calvert Island.  The weather continued to be gorgeous (all starting as soon as the Captain arrived...hmmm) and the motoring was smooth.  The Captain decided to arrive in style, so we threw up the genoa for the last 5 miles down a passage to the docks at Pruth Bay. 

What does this look like to you?  Some of our thoughts were a bear, an eagle perched on a stick, a headless soccer player, North America, etc.

Pruth Bay holds a non-profit resort called Hakai Beach Institute.  The resort is available primarily for university student groups and research projects.  Neat place with very nice people.  The head chef, Gernot, is an old friend of the Captains, so we were treated in style from the moment we arrived. 

Most of the supplies and workers for the resort are brought in my floatplane.  Pretty damn awesome watching this guy take off 50 feet from our boat.

A short walk from the resort and you’re on West Beach facing out into the Pacific Ocean.  Gorgeous sandy beach with all kinds of coves/dunes/hiking trails to explore.  Nick and I spent the better part of 2 afternoons roaming around the area, enjoying the sun and seeing what was to be seen.

It was a longer fall that this picture makes apparent...

View from the top was worth it. 

Apparently there were gray wolves all over the island.  We saw a ton of tracks.

We even found a sweet rope swing. 

Much fun.

Once we got bored walking around the sand, we decided to build a wooden structure by balancing some logs on some other logs.  I was semi-skeptical by Nick's initial plan, but I must say, it worked swimmingly.  It was still balanced when we left, even with 20 knot offshore winds and the lashing removed. 


The resort was housing a group of environmental science students from the University of Victoria.  They were there for a 3-week field school of some sorts.  Very nice group of people who were all clearly quite into biology/zoology/botany/ well as dance parties (pictures to follow once they add me on Facebook, unless they’re THAT embarrassing in which case they’ll be promptly destroyed).  3rd place woot!

Anyways, we spent two very entertaining days in Pruth Bay with great scenery, great food and great people.  Only thing I didn’t like was the bug bites, though I can’t even complain in comparison to some of the U. Vic students I saw.  Ouch... 

Thank you to everyone involved in our stay (if you’re reading this, ha)!  It was great meeting all of you!  If anyone gets a picture of a wolf, please send it to me, and if you're ever in/around Vancouver, look us up!

Officially been aboard 3 weeks.

Still going north...


  1. Holy crap that rope swing looks like fun!

  2. That's looks like an awesome beach. Water really that blue?
