Friday, April 5, 2013

Haida Gwaii Trip - Day 7 - Hotspring Island

*NOTE* -- I started this post back in 2010 and finished it in 2013 from memory. Surprised how many of the details came back to me while flipping through photos.

The next morning, we motored out of Cecil Cove on our way to Hotspring Island.  We made our way back out into the Hecate Strait, where we encountered some moderate swells and plenty of sunshine.  We considered stopping at the Windy Bay Haida Watchmen site, but with the NE swells, there was no good place to anchor.  Instead, we continued on to Hotspring Island.

Once we got to Hotspring Island, we called the Haida Watchmen to ask if we could come ashore, as they limit the number of people ashore at one time.  Unfortunately, there were 2 other parties already in line waiting, so we had a bit of a wait.  However, it was a pretty gorgeous sunny day out, so none of us were too concerned about the delay.

Working on my Junior Navigator merit badge

Eventually, it was our turn, so made our way to shore.  The path to the hotsprings was marked with clam shells.  Pretty neat.

The Watchmen showed us around the area.  There were three different pools to choose from, so we of course had to try all three. First pool was inland and ridiculously hot. Second pool was down by the beach with ample opportunity to "soak until you're about to pass out then run into the freezing cold water and nearly give yourself a heart attack" (I did not partake).

Pool #2

The third pool was my favorite, perched right along a rock cliff overlooking the beach. Temperature was juuuuuust right.

Living the hard life

Beach below pool #3 looking west towards Lyell Island

The Duen dropped off a group while we were soaking

After we had thoroughly soaked ourselves, we made our way back to the Talofa. Following some semi-frantic arm waving in order to get the Captains attention from shore and a quick dinghy ride, we were aboard. 

Looking back towards the springs heading west

With the light fading, we decided to motor up Marshall Inlet to find an anchorage for the night. Bit over an hour later, we were firmly anchored and ready for bed. Hot tubbing wears a guy out ya know...

Anchoring by moonlight? No problem

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Finishing this blog...2 1/2 years later

I have no idea why I never got around to finishing this blog... 

My life got pretty hectic right after the trip ended (not long after the last entry), and I suppose I just never got around to it.

Over the past 2 1/2 years, I have logged every once and awhile to reminisce about the trip. I'm amazed to see that this blog continues to get regular views. Over 4,500 in in total with people from Russia, Germany, the UK, Australia, France, the US and of course Canada. Just two days ago it got 30 pageviews! I wonder who they were...

Whenever I think about that, I say to myself: 

"I REALLY need to finish it off. All those people probably think
we sank of Haida Gwaii and were never heard from again

So I'm gonna do it. 

A lot has happened since the summer of 2010. Alan has moved to Terrace Hazelton. Nick and I are still in Vancouver but don't see nearly enough of each other, both busy with careers and such. None of us see Captain Speck nearly as much as we'd like. And the Talofa Lee has recently found new owners and is continuing her journey around the BC coast.

So I think in homage to all that's happened since 2010, I'm going to finish this story off... best as I can remember it.