Sunday, July 25, 2010

Haida Gwaii Trip - Day 1

The Captain arrived this afternoon around 3:30pm while Alan, Nick and I were making shopping for 2 weeks worth of food.  2 weeks of food for 4 people ends up being quite a bit.  I wish I had had my camera with me to get a picture of the checkout counter.  I felt bad when the clerk told us she was hurrying through stuff because she was actually 5 minutes past her quitting time.  Poor women. 

Once we got everything stored away on the boat (around 3pm), we said our goodbyes to the Donohoes and pulled away from the dock.  The wind was pretty fresh at around 15-20 knots from the SW.  Motoring out of the harbor was uneventful for the most part, though we did run into the ferry (again) in the same narrow spot in the harbor as before.  Always a bit exciting. 

On the way out of the harbor, we saw the C.S. Poopstain loading (*chuckle*).

Little while later the wind shifted to NW and we decided to throw the mainsail up.  Once out of the harbor, we were booking along at around 7 knots with a 20 knot wind.  Seas were around 1 meter with some chop, but the ride wasn’t too bad.  The weather itself was amazing with a nice warm sun beating into the wheelhouse.  As the wind was a bit more westerly than we would have liked, we eventually had to make a few tacks to get where we wanted to go.  Overall a gorgeous time on the water. 

Once we got to Edye Passage (aka the “Hell Hole” as I mentioned before), we had to take the main down.  I had a bit of an exciting moment as the sail was coming down.  With the sail luffing into 20 knots of wind, it was banging around quite a bit.  As we started to let it down, I was aft trying to keep it coming straight down onto the wheelhouse roof.  Well in the violent thrashing of the sails, the reefing lines tried to wrap themselves around my neck, which was, to say the least, uncomfortable for me.   No harm done (though I almost lost my sunglasses), just a bit scary.

Around 9pm we finally anchored in a bay on Arthur Island.  Very nice colors during sunset.  Dinner was chili that Alan made.  Tomorrow we’re trying the Hecate.

Anchored at Arthur Island

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