Sunday, May 16, 2010

Last minute preparations.

Saturday night was our "bon voyage party," which was a great success.  It was great to see everyone that came out.  Just to reassure everyone, it does look like the trip will happen in some form or another.  Possibly a better way to say that would be that Nick, Alan and I will be spending the better part of the summer living on the boat.  Where the boat will be exactly is still up in the air, but we'll be on it, and that's exciting!

We spent Sunday morning loading the boat up with our supplies and completing a few last minute tasks.

Admiral Brewer, a friend of the Captains, will be joining us on the first 1-2 weeks of the trip.  He prepared quite the extensive meal plan for the first week.  Needless to say, there will be no risk of running out of food.

Every storage locker on the boat is labeled with a letter/number combination.  The letters are either P (port), S (starboard), or B, describing where on the boat they are located.  The B lockers are all floor lockers located along the center line of the boat.  As none of us are completely sure what the B is supposed to stand for, we've just assumed it means Beer.

The Captain had new curtains made for the saloon, which needed to be hung.  We also drained the water tanks and refilled them with fresh water.  And as always, there was more cleaning to be done.

Departure time is set for 9 am Monday May 17th.  Gotta say, I'm pretty damn excited.


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